Posted by kyle on February 9, 2007 4:15 PM | bookmark / share: |
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Hey friends, sorry I haven't been posting or responding to any of your e-mails lately! I assure you I've got an excuse. I'm moving from my place in Rochester, New York to California next week to start a new job with Google. I'll let you know more when I can, but please hang tight in the meantime.
I've got plenty of JSViz news to share and I'll be posting as time and wifi permit over the next week.
Hey Kyle - Good Luck with your new Google gig. The good folks at TextWise will miss you!
Posted by: Paraic | February 20, 2007 3:04 PM
Google Bay Area (yuck) or Google Santa Monica (yay!)
Actually, I'm sure either is fine, but I live in Redondo, so if you were coming to the LA area, that would make it easier for you to be the CTO of my company. =]
Posted by: Jeremy | February 20, 2007 10:11 PM
Thanks Paraic. I'm going to miss the team at TextWise too. Best of luck to you!
And Jeremy, I am in the Mountain View office and enjoying life at the 'plex. It's kind of like camp :P.
Have fun out there!
Posted by: Kyle | March 11, 2007 12:07 AM
Dear Kyle,
Could you please suggest a strategy on implementing a dynamic graph updating. Say, user clicks on a node, a request goes to the server, brings back a graph delta, which is used to partially redraw the graph (remove some nodes and add new ones), without reloading the whole thing?
Posted by: xzuma | May 22, 2007 11:08 PM
Hi Kyle,
My name is Andy and I'm attempting to use your library to model a network of wireless routers.
It would be very helpful if you could provide an example like xzuma requests that can redraw only the changes in the graph from time to time, instead of the entire graph. Or is this done automatically through the add node (node handler) and by removing the particle?
It would also be very helpful to me if you could post a quick and dirty example that, instead of loading from an xml file, loads information through a database. I think you may have already done this through the other apps, but I can't seem to find the exemplary source code.
Thanks for your time and such a great looking app!
Posted by: Andy | June 18, 2007 7:02 AM
Hi Kyle
Good for you. Looking forward to the jsviz news...
Posted by: Simon | January 14, 2010 3:58 AM